The process of Ascension requires going beyond the illusion, to meet our Truth.
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What is duality?
What is duality about?
Can we see beyond duality?
Does non-duality exist?
Can we live in non-duality?

When we think of duality we usually think of good and evil, right and wrong, truth and lie. These would be some of the forms created by duality, but there are others.

We are so used to living in duality that we often do not realize that we are. We take for granted the need for polarities, we define our experience, our way of life, our principles and values according to different philosophies based on dual concepts.

Duality keeps us in the illusion that we deserve the life we have as it is. It is the illusion of being separate, us and others, divinity and us. It is the illusion that we need evil to discern good. It is what makes us believe that we need experiences to learn from. It is the one that defines everything as better and worse, the path of good and the path of evil.

None of this is a Truth, it is part of this illusion created through a vision filtered by duality. We get used to giving meaning to existence through duality.

We learn techniques that give us an illusion of control, understanding the illusion to be able to manage it according to our will, desires, needs. Being able to manage our place and create as we want can be an important step in our evolution. However, we are still in the illusion.

As we walk the path to Ascension we begin to discern the dual concepts, since the same path is clearing the veils that create these filters. As we move forward in the process we discover different virtues, some of which we bring from our past and were kept covered by these same veils. One of the virtues is Compassion. We know compassion as a feeling, as a way of acting, a compassionate behavior, but we know less about its essence as Virtue.

Compassion does not see polarities, therefore, there are no judgments. The differences are simply different aspects of the same.

A movement is a state of duality. By remaining in Quietude, we are in a non-dual state.

Some forms of duality are:

  • Female / Male
  • Right / Wrong
  • Rich / Poor
  • I can / I can’t
  • Success / Failure
  • Mental / Emotional
  • Lemurian / Atlantean
  • North / South
  • Past / Future
  • Alive / Dead
  • Healthy / Sick
  • Us and others
  • Those above and those below
  • There are better and worse

Living in duality, we move away from who we are, we create characters and we believe we are those characters. Distractions are created that distance us from our Original Plan.

In the process of Ascension, the gift of Discernment awakens, which allows us to differentiate between our existence on the Planet and who we truly Are in our Recognition.

The process of Ascension requires going beyond the illusion, to meet our Truth, the one that says that “Nothing you have done until now defines who You Are.”

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